Test the damn pills: It's time for pill testing in Victoria!

Test the damn pills: It's time for pill testing in Victoria!

image of Test the damn pills: It's time for pill testing in Victoria!


Premier Jacinta Allan and the Victorian Labor Government need to stop ignoring expert health advice and introduce pill testing as a matter of urgency. Pill testing saves lives and is supported by experts internationally and domestically.

It's clear Labor’s current approach to drug-related harm isn’t working. 

Intimidation tactics from police, like sniffer dogs, don't work. They should be a relic of the past.

A new study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy has found that more than 60 music festival drug-related deaths ...


Premier Jacinta Allan and the Victorian Labor Government need to stop ignoring expert health advice and introduce pill testing as a matter of urgency. Pill testing saves lives and is supported by experts internationally and domestically.

It's clear Labor’s current approach to drug-related harm isn’t working. 

Intimidation tactics from police, like sniffer dogs, don't work. They should be a relic of the past.

A new study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy has found that more than 60 music festival drug-related deaths in Australia over 20 years could have been prevented with harm reduction strategies like a pill testing service.

In Victoria, four coroners in six years have called for a pill-testing service.

Last year, the Labor Government was offered a free pill testing trial in Victoria from peak drug harm reduction and health organisations, and the Greens, Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis teamed up to introduce a bill that would see a pill testing trial before the 2025 summer festival season.

A pill testing service would also connect festival goers to health professionals who would provide advice on behaviour when consuming their tested substance, which in other jurisdictions has shown a clear shift in approach to drug-taking behaviour.

One thing is clear: sniffer dogs will not save lives. Tough talk from cops and politicians will not save lives. Pill testing will.

Each day the new Premier delays reform is another day a young person is at risk of overdose or drug-related death.

The experts keep telling us pill testing works, yet under this Premier’s leadership this government refuses to take its fingers out of its ears.

Join us in making it clear to Premier Jacinta Allan  that Victorians support the evidence, and want pill testing services to be introduced here in Victoria.

If it saves even one life, it'll be worth it.


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